Hello Mama! Welcome to Natural Birth Pain Management. This is Part 3 of our 5-part series on understanding Natural Childbirth. As you know, this short series will help cut through the conflicting information and mixed messages you may have received about natural childbirth and help you reach your own answer to the Most Important Question.
Our topics today include:
By the end of Part 5 you will have your personal answer to the Most Important Question:
What is the right kind of pregnancy and birth experience for YOU Mama?
AND for your baby?
Each post in this series will cover a specific topic on the way to answering that question.
With that in mind, I hope that you were able to answer the simple questions at the end of Part 2, which focused on how to handle the finances of a natural childbirth.
Ideally you would also have completed Part 1, which focused on the primary differences between natural birth and delivering your baby in a typical hospital setting.
If you are not finished with either Part 1 or Part 2, you might consider pausing right now and getting caught up!
Again if you have questions or comments at any stage, please don’t hesitate to reach out using the ASK ME button below.
And now ...
Let’s talk about the pain.
In my experience as a health care provider, having attended over 1500 births, one of my mamas’ top concerns is: pain management.
Putting it bluntly, many new moms worry that a vaginal birth without pain medication will hurt more than it will WITH medication.
Today’s post will tackle that issue head on. It will help you answer THESE questions:
"Does it (natural birth) hurt more than a hospital birth?
"How can I manage without pain medication?"
Let’s start by repeating an observation I made in our Introduction.
You were quite literally MADE to do this, Mama. The body naturally releases hormones and endorphins during childbirth to help relieve labor pain, reduce stress and improve your sense of well-being.
Believe it or not, in my 25 years attending births, I have had many clients who have told me afterwards that it ‘didn’t hurt’ at all.
“WHAT?” you may say? Are you kidding me?
No, I speak the truth.
Every new mom and her experience is different and unique. Yes, some describe the experience as pain-free. Others make use of a variety of techniques that we will describe below to manage the pain they do experience.
Either way, it’s obviously not easy. Delivering a baby is one of the most challenging things you will ever do. But that is part of what makes natural childbirth beautiful. And sacred. And so empowering.
All that being said, natural birth pain management is very much a part of the the natural birth plan in most cases, whether attended by a licensed midwife during a home birth or by a medical doctor in the hospital.
Here are some of the natural (non-medicated) approaches we utilize in my practice:
Some practices offer complementary therapies that cannot really be called ‘natural,’ and yet they sometimes make the difference for the mother who wants an out of hospital (OOH) vaginal delivery:
Those are the basics of non-medicated pain management.
As you know, one of the primary goals of natural birth is to avoid unnecessary medical interventions. I hope you have found this overview of natural birth pain management helpful, as you consider the pros and cons of a natural childbirth for yourself and your baby.
So here’s the question, Mama: Which of these methods appeals most to you? Do any of them raise additional questions or concerns?
If so, please don’t hesitate to reach out using the ASK ME button.
In the meantime, here are the important questions to wrap up Part 3.
Choose the statement that is MOST true for you at this point of our discussion (you can always change it later):
Statement A: I’m determined to have a natural childbirth and I will manage pain as best I can using natural methods such as those described above.
Statement B: I’m still concerned about natural birth pain management. I’m not sure an unmedicated delivery is the right choice for me.
Once again, there is no ‘correct’ answer. My goal here is to help you make the right choice for you and your baby. While I clearly believe in natural childbirth, I know it is not right for everyone.
What I want most is for you to make the best choice for YOU. That means being well informed of your options, so you can make an informed decision.
So once again, please feel free to ask me ANY question that has occurred to you as you read this letter. Simply tap the ASK ME button below.
Now, to recap: Today’s main questions were: "Does a natural birth hurt more than a hospital birth? How can I manage without pain medication?" Between this letter and any thoughts you have chosen to share with me, I hope that we have answered both of these questions for you.
In Part 4 we will focus on the questions: "How does a midwife compare to a doula compare to an OB / GYN? Who should I have on my natural birth support team?"
When it comes to natural childbirth, having the right support is quite literally - everything. I’m looking forward to discussing this essential topic with you tomorrow.
In the meantime, thank you for completing Part 3 of our five part series on understanding natural childbirth. I'll look forward to seeing you in Part 4!
Warmly –
Paula Grady, LM CPM